What brand is your favourite of cosmetics? CHANEL, M.A.C., Yves Saint Laurent, Givenchy, NARS, etc etc...? BOBBI BROWN must have tons of fans all over the world as well, and I'm also one of the fans obviously.
These are my recent favourite. The brush for cheek has got a very soft and smooth bristles. The lip grosses pruduce great colour. I like the mint flavour, too. The top one is HOLLYWOODRED #47 which is vivid red, and the under one is CHERRY #6 which is translucent red. So probably the former is for more party-like and the latter can be used in the daytime. The shimmer blush is Coral #3. This colour will fits for Spring and Summer under sun, and it will make you look healthy. This BB cream has got some natural colours. I liked it very much and the next one is in the queue to be used.
If you have your recommend, I would love to hear that. Please let me know♡
If you have your recommend, I would love to hear that. Please let me know♡
最近のお気に入りコスメブランド、BOBBI BROWN。最近まで使ったことがなかったけど、使ってみると、発色の良さと使い心地の良さに、少しずつアイテムが増えていっている。。。チークブラシは毛がやわらくてとっても気持ちいい。グロスは発色の良さが魅力。HOLLYWOODRED #47は”ザ・赤!”で夜のおでかけに、CHEERY #6は半透明の赤色で、ポンポンと唇にのせると顔色がグンと明るくなる。チークは細かいラメがはいっていて、頬が艶っぽくみえる。これは太陽の下で映えそうな、Coral #3。BBクリームは自然な肌色で、薄づきだけど、顔の色ムラをカバーしてくれる。使いやすくて、もうすぐ2本目に突入です。
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